Come see Ted Talk Speaker, Pat Romboletti, AUTHOR, SPEAKER, WORKSHOP LEADER, CAREER COACH And See why almost 900 people log onto Pat’s weekly Thursday night Zoom!
Find out from a former top executive recruiter who has her finger on the pulse of what is going on in the recruitment world:
- what hiring managers really look for right now. - how to find and contact internal recruiters and hiring managers - what to say when you find them
If you want to minimize your frustration with a broken hiring system, you will need to understand what is going on out there, and you will need to make changes to how you manage your career and how you approach any job search.
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About Pat Romboletti:
Patricia’s TEDx talk: ( ) was a wake-up call for corporate executives, urging them to stop living in complacency and denial, and to disrupt themselves before they are disrupted. Her advice — “think and act like a gigger.”
Pat Romboletti is the founder of the 4-phase Bulletproof Your Career Methodology, a 4-phase coaching system for senior executive leaders, and the author of Bulletproof Your Career: Secure Your Financial Future and do Fulfilling Work on Your Own Terms...for LIFE”
After 18-years’ experience as a retained executive recruiter, Pat switched sides, and exposes the secrets behind the hiring curtain, using her Bulletproof Career Coaching methodology to gives her coaching clients an unfair advantage against a rigged and frustrating hiring system. Her mission is to fundamentally change her clients’ relationship with their career. Her four-phase system - Clarify, Eliminate, Prioritize, Accelerate, gives her clients a bulletproof mindset, a shortened search and a lifetime of financial security, and control of their career and destiny.
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