Artificial Intelligence SIG
Executive Sponsor: Justin Nemeth, AITP Chicago Board Member Co-Chair: Roman Eng (AI Researcher - Strategist) Co-Chair: Rizwan Khan
To provide a professional forum in the Chicago area, dedicated to promoting the integration of artificial intelligences (AI) in the enterprise. We aim to enhance AI awareness, education, best practices, and literacy, with a specific emphasis on automated decision-making, operational efficiency, and digital content creation. Our community offers C-levels, Directors, and Academia a collaborative platform to spark new ideas for innovation.
AI-driven business transformation, safety and responsibility, governance and regulations, privacy, ethics, cybersecurity, blockchain, quantum computing, machine learning, deep learning architectures, and data security.
We encourage forming alliances with industry leaders and other SIGs to foster collaborative projects and share insights. Joint events or webinars with complementary organizations will broaden our scope and reach, bringing diverse perspectives and expertise to the forefront of AI discussions as we advance this technological frontier.
Send an email to: justin.nemeth@aitpchicago,com : (Include your name, your company, title and phone number) Meeting Pictures:
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