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Your One Project Methodology Fails All Your Projects

  • Tue, October 26, 2021
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Virtual Zoom Meeting

You’re Invited to an informational Virtual Meeting.   (See Registration link below)

Topic:  Your One Project Methodology Fails All Your Projects

We all know that project management is a multifaceted knowledge-area profession.  It still evolves as our world evolves.  We attempt to describe, define, and make its boundaries finite by developing methodologies and, in the same breath, claim that they should be flexible and adaptable to the project's context. Since standardized processes can be optimized, we and our organizations make the methodologies rigid and inflexible.  Then, your friendly project managers are put into positions to accomplish almost impossible feats to deliver all project types to the only one, organizationally mandated, methodology.

In this session, the participants will be engaged in a brief review of major project management methodologies and analyze their assumptions. We will touch upon how to measure the project value, best outcomes, and value for the entire organization. Lastly, the presenter, from his own experience, will propose several models which for methodology fit your organizational structure.

Speaker:  Andrew Soswa

Andrew Soswa is a Transformational Leader with 18+ years of experience in business and project management. He demonstrated transformational leadership competence in Retail, Big Data Analysis, Financial, Supply Chain, and Big 5 Consulting enterprises. He managed strategic projects, business portfolios, and Agile and digital transformation initiatives to deliver outstanding business results.

Click Here to Register to Receive a Meeting Link    You must register by 10/26 to attend!  The meeting link will be sent out the evening of 10/24 to all registrants, with a reminder sent the day of the event.  If you have not received the link by the morning of 10/26, check your spam and promotion folders.  If it is not there, send an email to and he will email you the link.

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