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Data and Analytics: Moving to the Cloud

  • Wed, January 26, 2022
  • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Virtual Zoom Meeting

You’re Invited to an informational Virtual Meeting.   (See Registration link below)

Topic:  Data and Analytics: Moving to the Cloud

Which Cloud and how to decide

    • How to compare one Cloud offering to others
    • How to look at cost advantages and comparisons
    • How to compare technical aspects
    • What about performance, capabilities, manageability and integration

What workload is moving to the Cloud in data warehousing and analytics

Are firms using multi-cloud?

Migrating to from on-premise legacy systems to cloud

  • Considerations and limitations
  • What about ETL and data integration
  • How to schedule and maintain coherence with hybrid on-premise/Cloud
  • Things that work well without change
  • Things that do not work well without change
  • Tuning workload on the Cloud
  • BI tool considerations
Speaker:  Dr. Phil Shelley, President, datametica


As a former EVP, CIO, and later CTO of Sears Holdings, Dr. Phil Shelley is an experienced business and IT practitioner with a track record of innovation in analytics and modernization initiatives. Phil pioneered the use of Big Data \ techniques in large companies, to modernize analytics, mainframes, and data warehouses: Starting a decade ago, he drove the use of Open-Source, and Cloud technologies as enablers for transformation and modernization.

Building on this hands-on experience, Dr. Shelley and his work colleagues formed Datametica, which has become a global leader in digital modernization of analytics, data warehouses, and data management, with a particular focus on leveraging Cloud platforms. Datametica has world-leading automation technologies, accelerators, and reference architectures that speed the migration of on-premise systems to the Cloud; typically in less than half the time and cost, combined with the lowest risk by parallel running across Cloud and on-premise at petabyte scale.

Dr. Shelley has a degree in mechanical engineering, a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, having worked in the UK, Germany, and the USA; he has led Businesses, Research and Development, Quality and IT organizations and has held positions in various technical and business leadership roles including CEO, CIO, EVP, and CTO.

Click Here to Register to Receive a Meeting Link  You must register by 1/26 to attend!  The meeting link will be sent out the evening of 1/24 to all registrants, with a reminder sent the day of the event.  If you have not received the link by the morning of 1/25, check your spam folder.  If it is not there, send an email to and he will email you the link.

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